Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Differences Between the Life of America and That of China

After living in America for five weeks, I found a lot of differences between the life of America and that of China. I have been particular interested in the aspects such as etiquette, copyright and hobbies. These differences in attitude may result from the differences of culture, history and economy between China and America. One is in the east of the world; the other is in the west. One is a developing country; the other is developed. One is an ancient country with more than 5000 years of civilization; the other is young but an superpower of the world. Thus, this essay will compare three main differences in their lives and evaluate in which aspects Chinese should learn from Americans.

One of the most apparent difference is the etiquette. People here are passionate in whatever they do and polite to whoever they meet with. Every times when I have fun with some Americans, they always feel comfortable to join in.  I can still remember my first week here. After I finished my dinner and left the dining hall, some Yale students invited me to play volleyball with them. Whenever I made a mistake, they never minded but encouraged me. Sometimes they even make an apology or show appreciation for nothing. For example, when someone passes by my side when I am on the road, they would say "Sorry" or "Excuse me" even if they have not touched me. It always happens that some passers-by look at me, smiling friendly. But in China, some people are rude and angry to those who offend them by accident, which is rather impolite. Therefore, it is necessary for us Chinese to improve the relationships between people by harmonizing our behavior and expressions for daily use.

Another difference is the protection of copyright. In China, we can download music and movies on the internet for free. The books are often very cheap, because we don`t need to pay a lot for the copyright. For lack of supervision, pirated books, CDs and electronic products, are immensely accessible in the market, which are always of a low quality. We even have a nickname for them, "Shanzhai products". However, here in American, it is hard to download music or movies for free. And the textbooks have cost me a great deal of money. As a result, some students prefer to rent books or download them on the Internet with PDF format. Although copyright might restrict the flow and communication of innovative ideas, it can protect the writers and artists to create more splendid works. The Chinese government should protect the copyright by strengthening supervision and increasing punishment to those who violate intellectual property laws.

Moreover, the hobbies of American are quiet different too. They seem more fond of reading than Chinese. The white-collar workers on the way to work, the cashers in the entrance of the dining hall, and even some beggars on the side of the road… they are usually holding a book, reading enjoyably. But in China, reading books is often regarded as a hobby of scholars, teachers or professors. People always bury themselves into smart phones or other electronic products, on the road, at the table, or even in the library. In addition, the hobbies of Americans are more diverse because they have a lot of opportunities to develop them. They have a gym, a swimming pool, and a basketball hall on the Yale campus. They also have billiards tables,  ping-pong tables, and a dance studio in the basement. It is convenient for us to do all kinds of exercise. To encourage more people to read books, China should cultivate the interest of students in reading when they are young. More libraries should be built so that the citizens can find places to enjoy reading. To help people develop more hobbies, the government should build different kinds of public facilities such as theaters, gymnasiums and so on.

Life in American is really different. Although there are still some problems in China, people are trying very hard to deal with them. With the fast development of economy, education and technology, Chinese are embracing a new life that is much different from that of our older generations. However, in some aspects, we should draw lessons from Americans, and create a society that is more harmonious, live a life that is more colorful.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Karaoke in the U.S.A

"Guess what," my friend, Tao talked to me, "There is going to be karaoke in the basement of Calhoun College this evening! Shall we go?"
"Really?" I shouted excitedly, "Of course!" 
I was really keen on singing but hadn`t been to karaoke bar for more than three months. How interesting would it be to take part in karaoke at Yale University, and more importantly, in the U.S.A! I was so curious to see what the American karaoke would be like. Definitely, we had to sing English pop songs! But that was cake for me because I always enjoyed the songs on the Billboard.
In the evening, I arrived at the basement very early in case of missing any perfect singers. Our counselor, Jessica, who was the organizer of this activity, has already been there. However, there were not too many people there, so I felt rather relaxed. She opened YouTube on the computer and typed the name of the song followed by karaoke, chose a video. Then, our karaoke started.
The karaoke here was much simpler compared with the one in China. All the devices they had were a computer, a microphone and a TV. But in China, besides those devices, we also had a system which was designed to order songs, some colorful lambs which would change with the rhythms, and some stereo loudspeakers which had perfect sound effect. However, the devices didn`t matter, because everyone enjoyed themselves.
I couldn`t wait to show my perfect voice, so I began with Firework, a song of Katy Perry. However, the key of the song got higher and higher. As a result, I could hardly control it! So I shouted in order not to be embarrassed, but I knew it was still awkward. How silly I was to choose this song! Finally, it finished and everyone applauded. I took a deep breath, my palms and forehead sweating.
More and more people flooded into the basement. In a few minutes, the basement became crowded and lively. I was completely fascinated by the beautiful voices of some singers. When we played the songs which were cheerful, we couldn`t help ourselves dancing to the beats. Everyone was so passionate and enthusiastic that I got more confident to sing another song. 

"…Yeah you show me good loving, make it alright. Need a little sweetness, in my life…" 

Surprisingly, everyone was singing with me, some were even dancing! It seemed that everyone was immersed in the music. After my performance, a girl with heavy makeup held up her fist, saying, "Hey, Bryan! Good job!" I smiled and fist pumped her. That looked so cool!
After a few songs, a girl with light black skin and curled brown hairs went to the center of the room, followed by four other girls. They all have different colors of hairs and skins. Then, the music was on. It was the Party in the U.S.A!!! They stood in a row, singing and dancing with the music. What a party in the U.S.A.! This was the United State, where we could meet people from different countries of the world. At that time, we forgot the differences of nationalities, cultures and races!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Factory or MIT?

The buildings were odd and abstract, is if made with some colorful toy bricks. The intellectual architects had made the best use of physics in order to make the buildings complex but solid. Some of them were covered with modern reflective materials, all quite different from the romantic classic buildings at Yale. I couldn`t wait to see what kind of buildings would appear ahead of us. So I kept walking quickly, looking around and taking pictures, never bored with the sights. 

Suddenly, an ugly building like a factory appeared on the right side of the road. It was surrounded by metal tubes, which twisted like a snake and made a lot of noise. In the middle of this district, a stone chimney stood rigidly up into the sky. However, what seemed more weird were the railway tracks crossing the roads and leading somewhere we did not know. "Is this the campus of MIT or the industrial area of Boston", I asked myself again and again and felt totally confused. 

After walking around the campus for a while, we went to the MIT museum. On the first floor, some screens were playing scientific videos which were made by MIT students. I saw portraitures of some famous people such as Harry Potter, Thomas Edison, and Marilyn Monroe. However, as I walked closer and looked at them in details, they all changed to Albert Einstein. I could hardly believe what I saw! So I walked back and forth, trying to find out the reason. But it made me even more dizzy. 

Then I went up to the second floor and was immediately shocked by everything exhibited: the robots with artificial intelligence, the mechanical equipments with complex framework, and the pictures with holographic projection. I stood in front of a display window, watching a robot running and tumbling like a human being. The robots reminded me of my dream when I was young, which was to be a scientist studying artificial intelligence. The science was so amazing that I felt humiliated as a business student. 

When I walked out of the museum, the scenes of robots still haunted in my mind. I will never forget what I saw at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the center of science. But we were very hungry, so we headed to the Legal Sea Foods to enjoy the appetizing lobster of Boston…

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The Secret of Pandora`s Box

Pandora`s Box (1951)
René Magritte 
(Belgian, 1898-1967)
I`m a member of the Belgian royal family, busy with all kinds of parties and decent manners. My father is the cousin of Leopold , the King of Belgium. Five years ago, the Second World War broke out; and a year after that, the king signed and surrendered to Fascist Germany. To take refuge, my family went to London with the Belgium government in exile. As a result, I was cut off from all contact with my beloved one…
It`s early in the morning. Set against the flamboyant red sky, the urban landscape of Brussels looks rather quiet and peaceful. Actually, this city has just experienced a decadency of society after WW. I can still remember the days when people walked vigorously on the road, embracing the brightness of a new day. But now, no one is on the road except me.
I`m on the way to my old flame`s house, if that is still her house, or if she is still alive. I have worn my favorite bowler hat, which was made by her as a gift for Valentine`s Day. This is the only thing I have about her. After a six-year departure, her small face and plump figure still haunts in my mind. She was as beautiful and elegant as a white rose, always innocent and pure, always with enthusiasm to her life. I want to see her again. However, my cowardice, my selfishness, and my guilt, make me hesitate to go forward.
I made her acquaintance during a spring royal outing and was completely fascinated by her beauty at the first sight of her. She was singing and dancing on the bridge in order to get some money for living from the pedestrians. After that, I went to the bridge every day, sitting there, watching her dancing. Day by day, we began to know each other and began to talk about music, literature, and life. I loved her glinting blue eyes and thick cherry lips when she was smiling. She had been educated in a big family, but experienced misfortune after her parents` divorce. I didn`t tell her that I was from royal family and I deceived her a bright future with my beautiful falsehood. I know I`m not allowed to marry a girl from a lower class family, and I dare not break the rules of my family.
One day, the war broke out, and I left for London with my family. I did not even say goodbye to her before I left. During the years when I was in London, I experienced a really tough time. Burdened with the guilt of my betrayal to her, hardly could I start my new life. All the parties I participated and the decent manners I presented to this world, seemed just like a cage locking me in. There were thousands of nights when I got up and washed my face with tears. I deserve a punishment, even though that is not enough for my unforgivable sin. 
I don`t know where she is now. Maybe she has gotten married; or maybe she died in the war. I wear my bowler hat, faced with the urban landscape of Brussels, imagine she is standing beside me like a white rose. 
I wish, there still exists a hope for my repentance. And she is all of my hope.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Cross Campus

If asked which place I like the best, I would definitely say "The Cross Campus". You can hardly not fall in love with this place after staying there for one day. 
The Cross Campus is covered in green grasses. I lie on the grass to take a little nap, or lean on a tree, reading A Song of Ice and Fire. The grass feels like a soft bed and smells so fragrant that I can`t help remembering my mother`s sweet perfume. There are not many trees, but they are all thick and bushy. Sunshine pours down though the gaps between leaves, decorating the grass with sparkling patterns. The sky looks as clean as crystal through layers and layers of leaves. My mind wanders up into the fresh air. 
Sometimes, I can spot some squirrels climbing down from the tree, running on the grass, looking for food. They seem not afraid of me at all. So I can watch them closely. It`s so funny to see them holding a nut, chewing quickly, their small black eyes unmoved. Birds are always singing in the trees, close to me, far away, and close to me again. Every few minutes, a group of students would cross the grass, chatting, singing, laughing… They have different hairstyles, different colors of legs, and different kinds of shoes. I want to join them and know what they are talking about, because they are always full of energy and enthusiasm. 
Around the Cross Campus are architectures with various western styles, each of which has a gate to a college of Yale. All of them are old buildings with mysterious history, but they have been protected well. The majestic building in the far distance which looks like a cathedral is the famous Sterling Memorial Library. Every time I look at it, I think I have dropped into wonderland and everything is just a fairy tale. I love this wonderland and I don`t want to come back to my real life. 
As the sun sets and night comes, everything gets darker and darker. Now, some boys would play football on the ground. The library is profiled against the dark blue sky, just like the Hogwarts Castle, surrounded by dark magic. I stare at the building, imagine that some witches and wizards are flying there on brooms. The streetlights have already lit up, squirrels sleep, no one on the road. What a peaceful midsummer night`s dream!
Next month, I will have to say good bye to this land of poetry. I will leave her my history, and she will return me her beautiful story.

Monday, July 13, 2015

A Movie That Witnessed Friendship

I walked through the corridor, which seemed too long, my heart thumping, time frozen. The enthusiasm I had making the movie, and the friendship that bonded us together making a masterpiece… everything was now over. I opened the door of the teachers` office slowly, my best friend followed. Our class teacher was sitting stiffly in his wooden chair, reading a newspaper. We walked in front of the desk, and the teacher raised his head.

"What an interesting life you are living," the teacher said seriously. "But never forget you are now a sophomore student in high school. At this time next year, you will take Gaokao (the college entrance examination in China). You should have spent all of your time studying! How come you have time to make such naive movies?" We didn`t answer.

After a short moment of silence, the teacher spoke again, "I have watched your masterpiece! You and some other students in our class mimicked many teachers in your movies! Do you think that is funny? You showed no respect to teachers!"

"No! We did not mean to mimic," I tried to argue, "We just wanted to reproduce some interesting moments that happened in our class, and we do respect all of our teachers!"

But it didn`t work. It was not until we had stood there for half an hour listening to his speech that he let us go. Before we left, he reminded, "Ask your parents to call me this evening!"

We went out of the door of the teachers` office, back to the corridor again. The next class had already begun, so there was no one outside except us. It was so quiet that the only thing I could hear were footsteps. My friend walked far in front of me. My heart was full of guilt and sadness. I wanted to go back to my seat as soon as possible, but the corridor was still too long. So I tried to say something to avoid that embarrassment. But what should I say? Sorry? Or just say "That`s not a big deal!" Finally, I chose silence.

After class, I tried to talk with him to make him feel better. But he didn`t look at me and did not even reply with a single word. I thought he was sad, so I left him in peace. The next day, I talked to him; he still ignored me. I got angry and pushed him, "What`s wrong with you? Cat got your tongue?"

"Stay away," He snapped seriously, "It`s because of you that we were punished!"

"But we did that together and we made a really good movie, didn`t we?"

He didn`t reply and I didn’t want to talk, either.

Memory flooded in my mind. Three weeks ago, I took my camera to school and put forward the idea to make a movie about school life. He was so glad about the idea and wanted to be a director. Then, we started to talk about the story, the music, the actors and so on. I can hardly forget the days when we repeated the same scene again and again to make it perfect, when we debated on some details of the story, and when we didn`t sleep until morning in order to edit the movie. It was exciting to see that the movie shocked all of the students in our high school after our great efforts. But now, when we were punished, my good partner, instead of facing it together, blamed everything on me. What a disappointment!

It was a really hard time when dream broke up and I had to bury this bitterness into loneliness. I thought the friendship had finished just like the bankruptcy of the movie, and we would be enemies or strangers forever. But a few days later, he apologized for his selfishness and his lack of responsibility. I was angry but generally forgave, of course.

Luckily, our friendship was strong enough to pull us through. A few days later, we had fun together like nothing had ever happened. But after that, we knew more about friendship---To have fun together, and to deal with difficulties together.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Comparison of the Story "The Continuity of Parks" And the Picture "Hand Drawing Itself"

In "The Continuity of Parks" and "Hand Drawing Itself", bothe works of art form a circle. 

In the story, the man sprawling in the armchair covered in green velvet immersed himself in the plots of the novel. While in this novel, a woman dated her lover in the mountain cabin, conspiring to murder her husband so that they can be together. As the sun set, they separated at the cabin door. The man ran as the woman told, holding a dagger. Finally, he found the man sprawling in the armchair covered in green velvet, reading a novel.

In the picture, a hand holding a pencil was drawing another hand, which has the same sleeve and hold the same pencil. The hand being drawn was drawing the hand which was drawing itself.

The story and the picture have the same artistic effect. Both of them form a circle. The story connected a role in the plot with the man reading this story. It begins with him and end with him. The picture drawing two hands drawing each other, or exactly itself. This kind of artistic effect produces a work that never ends, leaving the readers with endless imagination. BTW, I really enjoy the writing style of the story, peaceful and embellished account, although there are many new words in this story that I can hardly understand.