Monday, July 27, 2015

Factory or MIT?

The buildings were odd and abstract, is if made with some colorful toy bricks. The intellectual architects had made the best use of physics in order to make the buildings complex but solid. Some of them were covered with modern reflective materials, all quite different from the romantic classic buildings at Yale. I couldn`t wait to see what kind of buildings would appear ahead of us. So I kept walking quickly, looking around and taking pictures, never bored with the sights. 

Suddenly, an ugly building like a factory appeared on the right side of the road. It was surrounded by metal tubes, which twisted like a snake and made a lot of noise. In the middle of this district, a stone chimney stood rigidly up into the sky. However, what seemed more weird were the railway tracks crossing the roads and leading somewhere we did not know. "Is this the campus of MIT or the industrial area of Boston", I asked myself again and again and felt totally confused. 

After walking around the campus for a while, we went to the MIT museum. On the first floor, some screens were playing scientific videos which were made by MIT students. I saw portraitures of some famous people such as Harry Potter, Thomas Edison, and Marilyn Monroe. However, as I walked closer and looked at them in details, they all changed to Albert Einstein. I could hardly believe what I saw! So I walked back and forth, trying to find out the reason. But it made me even more dizzy. 

Then I went up to the second floor and was immediately shocked by everything exhibited: the robots with artificial intelligence, the mechanical equipments with complex framework, and the pictures with holographic projection. I stood in front of a display window, watching a robot running and tumbling like a human being. The robots reminded me of my dream when I was young, which was to be a scientist studying artificial intelligence. The science was so amazing that I felt humiliated as a business student. 

When I walked out of the museum, the scenes of robots still haunted in my mind. I will never forget what I saw at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the center of science. But we were very hungry, so we headed to the Legal Sea Foods to enjoy the appetizing lobster of Boston…

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